R&D Projects

In this section we provide an outlook of some R&D project co-funded by european, italian or regional institutions.

LIRAS - Lidar and Radar in Space

TSD is partner of Sitael (prime) and SIT for the R&D project LIRAS – Lidar and Radar in Space, cofunded by UE-FESR through the PON Imprese e Competitività 2014-2020 program managed by Italian Ministry of Economic Developments (MISE).

The aim of the LIRAS project is the designing and implementation of an on-board equipment for Earth Observation space applications, whose highly innovative technological core is a unique Integrated Photonic Core (IPC), able to operate both in radio frequency and optical mode.

Gals and outcomes:

  • Definition of application requirements (Mission) for the equipment design
  • Enabling Earth Observation missions on small satellites
  • Service Validation through an avio campaign
  • Development of a demonstrative Ground Station Service

Within the project TSD is responsible for:

  • Payload Data Handling and Communication Front-end & Control
  • EGSE

The design phase is actually under completion.